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Dermatology Mosaic 7

  • Screening and differentiation test for detection of skin-specific antibodies.
  • Indication: bullous autoimmune dermatoses.
  • Initial dilution 1 : 10; conjugate class anti-human IgG, FITC-labelled.
  • The BIOCHIP Mosaic consists of 6 substrates: primate oesophagus, salt-split skin, desmoglein-1-expressing cells, desmoglein-3-expressing cells, BP230-expressing cells (gc) and BP180-NC16A-4X (EUROPLUS). Thus a comprehensive antigen spectrum is available in a single analysis, allowing targeted serological diagnosis.
  • Antibodies against prickle cell desmosomes react with surface antigens of keratinocytes. Tissue sections of oesophagus and tongue show a granular fluo­rescence of the intercellular matter in the whole stratum spinosum, but differentiation between desmoglein 1 and desmoglein 3 is difficult. When specific transfected cells are employed in addition, a targeted diagnosis in a single test run is possible.
  • Antibodies against basal membrane structures react with salt-split skin. Anti-BP180, anti-BP230 and anti-LAD97 cause staining of the epidermal side, and antibodies against laminin 5, collagen type VII and other antigens staining of the dermal side of the salt-split skin.
  • When autoantibodies against BP180 or BP230 are present, the epidermal basement membrane in the oesophagus or tongue is visible as a fine linear colouring between the stratum basale and the connective tissue. These antibodies can be differentiated by means of BP180-NC16A-4X coated BIOCHIPs and cells specifically transfected with BP230 (globular C-terminal domain (gC)).
  • This BIOCHIP Mosaic can be customised with further substrates if required, e.g. tongue (antibodies against prickle cell desmosomes, epidermal basement membrane), bladder (antibodies against plakins), collagen type VII NCI-expressing cells.